Today we will learn about the Page Background in our report designer.
Click menu Template > Paper Background of
reporting tool to pop up Paper Background Setting box, as shown below:

Note: V7.0 has set paper background, allowing add of background color for the entire paper.

However, V6.5.5 provides corresponding report background, only displaying background color in data area

Color, texture and pattern background settings are simple and will not be described here. Now, we mainly describe how to set picture
and gradient color.

1. Picture background

In making template-print templates, you can set the template-print background as the paper background to accurately position the data;
the paper background is usually used for adding watermark for report.

2. Gradient color background

When previewing template, if you hope the report background appear a gradient process, you can set a gradient color background,
as shown below:

Post-setting effect:

3. Print/export report background

When previewing at BS side, you can see the template background. If you hope to appear same effect in printed and exported template.
You can check the Print/Export Report Background when setting the paper background, as shown below:

Note: Word export only supports color background but does not support picture background; Excel fails to support background export
(including color + picture background); and PDF supports both color and picture background.

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