Sometimes we can change condition attributes in order to highlight texts meeting certain conditions in report designer.

1. Overview

You can change condition attributes of FineReport BI to highlight texts meeting certain conditions. For example, you can highlight examination scores below 60 as red or display them as Failed; or you can customize the pieces of data displayed in each page of a display template.

2. How to set condition attribute

Right click the cell and select Condition Attribute in report designer. Click button in the pop-up Condition Attribute window. Select the attribute to be changed from 12 attributes like row height and column width, as shown below:

The changed condition attribute can work under all conditions (with no condition setting added) or only work when certain conditions are met. As shown below, only when the current value is below 60, the background will become red.

Note: If there are several conditions, use AND or OR for connection. In addition, you can add or remove brackets, and take UP and DOWN operations.

For application examples of condition attributes, refer to Condition Attribute application.

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