Formula form can be understood as a complex data dictionary used for switching actual value and display value.
In this article, we will introduce formula form of FineReport business intelligence.

1. Overview

Actually, formula form in report designercan be understood as a complex data dictionary used for switching actual value and display value.

In the example below, the database has stored a column of date data in “yyyy-MM-dd” format. However, to display them in report, we need to change them to “English month abbreviation-dd” (e.g., from 2009-01-03 to Jan-01). In this case, we need to use formula form as it cannot be realized through data dictionary.

The effect is as shown below:

Right click date cell and select Form | Formula Form. Set formula =value(“ds2”, 2, 1, mid($$$, 6, 2), 1) + “-” + mid($$$, 9, 2).

value formula meaning: Make the second column in data set ds2 > display value (2) and first column > actual value (1). Compare the actual value with the cut-out current value ($$$), and change the matching actual value to display value. Then, combine the two-digit date obtained in the current value (which indicates number of days) to obtain a display value meeting the requirements. As shown below:

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