1. Description

A multi-dimensional coordinate axis chart, as an important reporting tool and business intelligence tool, displays several dimensions in a chart and is not only limited to 2 dimensions (with 2 dimensions, you can only compare data of one dimension). In this way, you can compare data of 2 or more dimensions in a chart simultaneously so as to do better data analysis . For example, as shown below, you can compare sales volumes of each product type in East China and can also compare sales volumes of the drink product type in East China and North China.

2. Example

Take the sales table in the FRDemo database as an example to achieve the effect shown above.

2.1 Prepare data

Create a dataset ds1: SELECT * FROM [sales volume].

2.2 Create chart

Merge a group of cell regions. In this region, add chart. Set Chart Type to Column Chart, as shown below:

2.3 Chart data

Click Chart Attribute Table – Data. Set Data Source to Dataset. Set Dataset to ds1, Category Axis to Product Type, Series Name to Product, and Series Value to Sales Volume, as shown below:

2.4 Add dimension

The effect chart displays several category dimensions. Click the button after the category axis to add a category axis region, as shown below:

The category dimension added at the earliest stage is displayed at the topmost layer. In addition, category axis attributes such as data screening, chart style and hyperlink are only for the topmost category dimension. The category dimension added latest is displayed at the lowest layer of the category axis.

Note: You can add 3 category axes at maximum. The multi-category axis is only applicable for column charts and line charts. Other types of charts only support single category axis. The multi-category axis data only supports “regular” data. Taking the above chart as an example, the product types under each region must be completely consistent. That is to say, if there are A, B and C product types under East China, there shall only be these three products under East China.

2.5 Chart style

In a multi-dimensional coordinate axis chart, a good dashboard software, setting of Category Axis Style only applies for the topmost category dimension. For other category dimensions, default styles (Microsoft YaHei, Font No.9) will apply and are not available for change, as shown below. To change color of the Category Axis name, click Chart Attribute Table – Style> Coordinate Axis > Category Axis to change Display Style of Category Axis:

Note: like category axis setting, parameters transferred in the Interaction Attribute – Hyperlink and Condition Attribute also only act on the topmost category dimension.

2.6 View effect

Place the mouse to a certain column to display information of all coordinate axes. Information of different category dimensions are separated by space, as shown above.

Click DemensionalChart.cpt to check template effect online.
For completed templates, see:%FR_HOME%\WebReport\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc\Advanced\Chart\DemensionalChart.cpt

3. Summary

A multi-dimensional coordinate axis chart achieves multi-dimensional statistic effects for betterdata visualization by adding several category axes. The multi-dimensional effect is only available in column charts and line charts. In addition, the multi-dimensional coordinate axis chart does not support datasheet and coordinate axis scaling. You can add 3 category axes at maximum and the data of multi-dimensional category axis can only be “regular” data.

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