1. Description

A radar chart, as a good helper of data analysis, is mainly used for analyzing and evaluating the operation statuses of an enterprise. For example, by plotting the numbers or ratios obtained from various financial analyses of a Company on a circular chart, the user can clearly understand the changes and trends of the Company’s various financial indices. The radar chart is named from its appearance as the indices are arranged and distributed together like radar.

As shown below, a simple radar chart, also as a reporting tool and business intelligence tool, illustrates a company’s productivity, safety, profitability, growth and liquidity to give a better data visualization.

2. Example

2.1 Prepare data

Create a new workbook and add built-in dataset ds1. The data is as follows:

A radar chart is made with these 5 indices to reflect the operation status of a company.

2.2 Insert chart

Taking Float Chart as an example, click Insert > Float Element > Insert Chart. Select Radar Chart and click Ok.

2.3 Set chart data

The chart data is from dataset data. The category axis is the index name and specific definitions are as follows:

Click OK and a simple radar chart is defined.

2.4 Save and preview

Save template. Click Page-breaking Preview and the effect is as shown above. Some index values are close to 0, and are unclear. To fix this problem, you may set the coordinate range for each category of the radar chart. Refer to Set Coordinate Axis Range for Each Category of Radar Chart. Click Radar.cpt to check template effect online.

For completed templates, see:%FR_HOME%\WebReport\WEB-INF\reportlets\doc\Advanced\Chart\Radar.cpt.

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